I'm currently not going to upkeep this site, and focus on the content on my youtube channel (at JohnInk.com). Also, for updates on when new things are coming, follow me on facebook or twitter.


February 18, 2011

Updates are slow. I know, but trust me… Next month’s video will make it all worth it. You will be rewarded patience! In the mean time, check out the Facebooks and the Twitters. There might be some stuff on there.

BTW… next month’s video will probably be late…

Using Social Networking

February 5, 2011

Hey, does anyone know Liam Neeson? I really wanna meet Liam Neeson.

Opp. Maybe, Liam Neeson reads this. If so, hey! So… You wanna hang out sometime, Liam Neeson? I don’t know, get a burger. I don’t know, maybe catch a movie. See you then, Liam Neeson! Hope to hear from you soon!

MyyyysterY tooobe! #1

January 28, 2011

JI.C Review: The King’s Speech

January 26, 2011

How’s this for an opening sentence? “Hollywood carelessly and unspeakably murdered my childhood with a rusty, dull knife, laughing as the life slowly drained out of its eyes. Then it pooped on it, too.”

I guess that was two sentences.

I should offer a bit of a disclaimer. I’ve always been a huge King George VI fan. I remember fondly our fanciful playground reenactments (the bigger kids always made me play Hitler). I even have the Official KING GEORGE VI brand lunch container. But, The King’s Speech is a miserable disgrace. They didn’t even get one thing even remotely right! Have they forgotten the fans?

This movie wasn’t even in 3D! Don’t they know the original King George VI was three dimensional? I looked it up! So, what? You can afford Colin Firth, but you can’t afford to make your movie historically accurate?

Secondly, where were the jet skiing monks?

Score: 0 out of 0 zeroes.

Sigh… No More Batman…

January 23, 2011

Sorry, guys. I guess I can’t be Batman. The bad news came to me in the form of a cease and desist letter from another Batman. The mayor of Batman, Turkey!

I didn’t even know turkeys had cities. But, apparently, they’re taking this thing seriously. Oh well. I was tired of eating all these carbs and punching all this wood anyway.

You’ve won this round, Crime! But, I will be back. Apparently not as Batman. Or Wolverine. Or Santa Claus. Or Captain America. But, someone!

I… Am Batman!

January 15, 2011

Through the darkest night, you hear me whisper, “I’m coming.” You feel uneasy, but safe. The chilling shadows will soon bring you comfort. Because that’s where your hero will lurk.

Crime, I’m preparing to face you.

So, fear not, citizen. While today you may have to deal with less regular posts, in twenty or so years, you’ll start to get your streets back.

In twenty or so years, I’ll be ready. Will you? Crime?

Who wants to be Robin?