I'm currently not going to upkeep this site, and focus on the content on my youtube channel (at JohnInk.com). Also, for updates on when new things are coming, follow me on facebook or twitter.

I’ve moved some stuff around…

January 9, 2011

That’s sorta like an update, right?

January 4, 2011

North Dakota!

December 31, 2010

JI.C Review: Little Fockers

December 27, 2010

And here I thought another movie couldn’t be made about family misunderstandings between Robert De Niro and Ben Stiller. But, boy, did Little Fockers prove me wrong!

Right when I thought it wasn’t going to be good, they brought in… Wait for it… Jet Skiing Monks! And my mind was blown for the rest of the movie! This movie is worth it for that alone! I hope that’s the title of the next one: Jet Skiing Monks.

Taking off some points for Owen Wilson‘s camel toe at the end.

Score: 1 out of 1.5 thumbs up

JI.C Review: Black Swan

December 21, 2010

Black Swan is a movie where Natalie Portman turns into a swan and goes around stabbing people for no good reason. Mila Kunis drugs and orally pleasures her. Then, Winona Ryder follows her around STABBING HERSELF IN THE FACE!

It’s kind of artsy, and you may not get it. But, chances are, you’ll still think it’s awesome.

Score: 12 out of 8.5 stars

Fattest Skeleton Ever

December 18, 2010

I feel kinda bad

December 12, 2010

I feel kinda bad, you guys. And not just because I’ve been neglecting my blog duties again. This is something important.

You see, yesterday, I was at the super market, and I decided to leave my cart unattended for a bit to quickly fetch myself some ham. I returned seconds later to find that a woman had removed the groceries from my cart and started replacing them with items from her own cartoonishly full cart.

I walked up, puzzled, and she exclaimed, “Oh! Is this your cart?” and immediately reversed her actions. Then, she turned and lugged her cart away slowly over the grocery horizon.

And I didn’t stop her.

Now, the guilt is killing me. I have this recurring image of that poor, fat woman, trying to push her comical amounts of junkfood in only one tormented cart. Oh! She’d go and get another one! But, she can’t leave. Someone might steal her cart!

I should have let her have mine. I could have made it by. I mean, how will she ever make it to the front of the store? She probably had to set up camp for the night. I just hope she made it out alive.

*sigh* This is a mistake I’m going to have to live with for the rest of my life…

Chuck Norris is

December 5, 2010