I'm currently not going to upkeep this site, and focus on the content on my youtube channel (at JohnInk.com). Also, for updates on when new things are coming, follow me on facebook or twitter.

Oh, snap!

August 8, 2010

7 Days left. Dandy...

It’s coming. Something BIG! And this time, it’s not your mom!

It’s the life changing event that’s sweeping the nation! And guess what?? It’s a comic! Only JohnInk.com would think to put a comic on the internet. We call it a “Web Comic.” And you can only enjoy it here! Oh! Oh! I bet you’re stoked!

Links for YOU!

I can’t COBRA count!

August 5, 2010

10 days left. Gee...First place ribbonHow many days left? I can’t count.

Here at JohnInk.com, we put the customer first. While we technically should be first, we regularly will give you our blue ribbon anyway, and pose for the photo op with you. That’s just the kind of good people we are. Don’t you want to visit a website like that? A website that lets you be first, even though we should have won? We probably cheated anyway.

Maybe next time, you can be first for real. And we won’t have to feel bad for you and put you first. You just keep trying hard, and practice every day, you just might be worthy advisery to us. After all, you can do anything you put your mind to. Except melt a bus with heat vision. You don’t have heat vision. That’s our stand.

Links for YOU!

The Cobra Countdown Continues!

August 4, 2010

12 days left. Fastinating!

Only twelve days left? What could this possibly mean!? WHAT!? I can’t wait to find out what this thing is! I guess I better get started!

Ladies Love JohnInk.com

August 2, 2010

Check it out: JohnInk.com’s YouTube stats. Ladies love JohnInk.com! Or at least  JohnInk.com’s YouTube channel.

I think it’s now fair to say, JohnInk.com helps you get dames. I mean, I’ve already said it in the past, but now I have scientific proof. Women can relate to a guy who likes JohnInk.com. See? Look at the graph!

P.S. I’m having far to much fun with the Amazon Associates ad to the right. Did you know they let you add anything to one of those?

Links for YOU!

Bob Meets a Robot

August 1, 2010

“Bob meets a Robot” represented a challenge here at JohnInk.com. How do we take what we’re doing, and do it even less? We’re proud to say, JohnInk.com’s laziest cartoon is finally here! The wait is over….

Or is it?

Team Chupacabra Shirts

July 30, 2010

Who wants Bella to end up with a vampire? Team Chupacabra Shirts. Get’em here. Or watch the video here.

More on the way!

July 29, 2010

This Blog Entry Brought to You By: TshirtBordello.com
4 out of 5 doctors recommend wearing a shirt.  We’re here for you. TshirtBordello.com.

Don’t let your excitement over JohnInk.com’s August 15th project (CODENAME: COBRA) or the massive celebrity endorsements distract you from the new cartoon August first! This one is JohnInk.com’s Laziest Yet! Seriously, we’ve put in all the stops with this one. Prepare for an experience unlike any other!  Spoiler alert: This is also a cartoon that involves swears. Oh my!

Links for YOU!