I'm currently not going to upkeep this site, and focus on the content on my youtube channel (at JohnInk.com). Also, for updates on when new things are coming, follow me on facebook or twitter.

What People are REALLY Saying about JohnInk.com…

July 24, 2010

“Avoid the Noid, but do not avoid this [JohnInk.com]!”
~An Unsolicited Celebrity Endorsement from someone who may be The Noid!

Thanks to all my legions of adoring fans for making this all possible. Now, you can brag to all your friends about how you regularly visit a website that The Noid said you shouldn’t Avoid. Boy, I sure hope Dominos doesn’t sue me.

“I love you! Ya’ little quirky fool!”
~Me. I mean… someone else named “Me.”

“Your sense of humour is strange. I like that.”
~Same “Me” guy.

I should say that I have plenty of other people making comments… Millions of comments. Me just happens to make very good quality comments, so he gets to be here twice.

Links for YOU!

Again with the Bunnies…

July 23, 2010

This Blog Entry Brought to You By: TshirtBordello.com
Let her know you care. Get her a T-shirt. TshirtBordello.com

Comment from: “Official Lawyer”

“While you no doubt offended many fat men in bunny suits, I believe the comment in question to not actually be from a fat man in a bunny suit. It appears the anonymous jokester was referencing the fictitious Domino’s Pizza character the “Noid” from the late 80′s tv commercials. Your latest creation appears to be an older, overweight version of that said character.

You may have grounds in court for a libel suit. Though Domino’s may have ground for a copyright suit. Fat guy has a bunny suit.”
-Official Lawyer

That fat bunny-suited man who commented…  May have been… The Noid?!  THE The Noid?! Oh man! Did I just miss a chance at a celebrity endorsement?!

The Noid, if you’re out there, I’m sorry! Come back to me! I’ll hire you! Or… uh… You can volunteer for me! I’ve been looking for a spokes person. I know other people may look down on you because your “fictitious.” But, I don’t know what that means, so its okay! Not to mention, I may need you in the coming litigious war with Dominoes. Don’t you want to get back at those recipe-rearranging crust munchers? Huh? HUH!?

If nothing else, at least leave a comment letting me know how awesome my website is, so I can quote it over and over again. Come on. Be a pal.

Links for YOU!

  • GOVERNATOR – I had to watch this all the way through.
  • MISSING CAT – Poor little girl…
  • NUNS – Look, fella. I still wanna know.


July 20, 2010

It’s not so delicious when it’s in your inbox. I had 214 blog comments in that folder. Which I promptly deleted. Then, I noticed an actual comment lost in the fray. I saved that one, but if you posted a comment that isn’t up, you were probably classified as spam. Sorry.

Feel free to comment again.

The Fat men in Bunny Suits

July 18, 2010

This Blog Entry Brought to You By: TshirtBordello.com
We whore out T-shirts like no place else. TshirtBordello.com

I appologize. It appears as though my comments in the last blog post have upset my fat-guy-in-a-bunny-suit demographic. While I would hate to upset anyone who might click an ad, I hold the fat guys in their bunny suits in the highest regard.

I do not step back from my statements, however. It is an established fact that you are sad, and that you are fun to laugh at. There have been many Government backed studies into the subject, and my research backs me up.

But, I am sorry. Please come back to my site. We laugh because we care!

Links for YOU!

Mummy book

July 15, 2010

Links for YOU! (Yeah, YOU!)