I'm currently not going to upkeep this site, and focus on the content on my youtube channel (at JohnInk.com). Also, for updates on when new things are coming, follow me on facebook or twitter.


July 7, 2011

In response to Facebook friends

“I’m going to agree with your friend, I’ve known people as well. They say facebook ends 1 in 5 marriages – that’s pretty high odds. It’s not just trust, but being smart.

Throw in your celeb status and I would say that increases odds to 5 in 5. So scientifically proven: johnink ruins marriages.

~The Doctor

To be fair, I haven’t ruined that many marriages. And women who dump their husbands for JohnInk.com are clinically proven to be much happier and fulfilled (based on internal clinical studies). So, it’s not as bad as it sounds.


Facebook friends

July 5, 2011

I’ve had a number of Facebook friends un-friend me after they’ve gotten married. I got ahold of one of them, and she said it was because she was worried she might cheat with me, despite the fact I’m in a happy relationship and she lives thousands of miles away.

Apparently, a friend of hers cheated with someone on Facebook, so she’s worried it could happen to her. Is this a common occurrence now? Or am I just that sexy?


June 28, 2011

When trying to complete a task, quality is determined by when and how you fill in the blank:

“OH SH**! I only have _______ left!”

If you measure in weeks, you’re doing pretty good. If in hours, like me and this blog post, you may end up writing something like this and trying to pass it off as wisdom. Peace.

Three Cutout Comics

June 27, 2011

Blah! I say, blah!

Geek rant: ChromeBooks

June 25, 2011

I don’t get it, Google. You make a laptop that runs only the Chrome web browser and it’s apps. Then, you price it around the same cost as a netbook that can run your Chrome web browser INSIDE Windows/Linux.

You gotta remember, Google, that you’re not Apple. Your ideas have to make sense for people to buy them.

I love America!

June 24, 2011

At least watch it until the fight breaks out. I really need to find some more blogs as good as tifr.us

I nearly choked to death

June 23, 2011

While drinking lemonade, I nearly choked to death. Help me through these trying times by clicking the vote button along the right hand side of the page. It won’t make any difference to anything ever, and I probably won’t even notice. Thank you.


June 22, 2011

I just discovered Last Place Comics, and I’m passing the savings on to you!

Here’s three comics:

Creepy Father

