I'm currently not going to upkeep this site, and focus on the content on my youtube channel (at JohnInk.com). Also, for updates on when new things are coming, follow me on facebook or twitter.

Speaks Con’t

June 21, 2011

“I can’t believe I made it into a Johnink comic! I’m the third guy up from the right, two to the left and 1 diagnol. It’s like looking in a mirror.”


That is uncanny. But, I usually only ever draw you while you’re sleeping. And, even then, I hardly ever your face.

I already wish I could retract some of what I just said.


You also hardly draw on paper. At least I finally know where that weird bunny drawing on my butt came from. I might start sleeping in pajamas now… and inside the house.


Momma always said, never let a sleeping naked man go to waste. Plus, I thought you’d enjoy the advanced look at some of my projects.

Kids, remember to sleep outside so the overweight bunny man doesn’t have to use any paper.


New Comic!

June 20, 2011

Back in my day, our cell phones only had typewriters built in and we loved it!

Elderly texting

June 20, 2011

(click around on the comic)

Thanks to Hope for the help

My Conversation With Google

June 17, 2011

I noticed a new button on Google today. A microphone?


“Why would I use this?”

(Crow noises) “Caw! Caw! Caw!”

“I’m addicted to stress it’s the way that I get things done if I’m not under pressure then I sleep to long” (lyrics to Stress by JBE)

(Played it a random song on the radio)

GOOGLE! WHOA! I’m surprised at you. It’s good you censored yourself, I guess. Still, watch the anger. Jeez.


June 16, 2011

“I can’t believe I made it into a Johnink comic! I’m the third guy up from the right, two to the left and 1 diagnol. It’s like looking in a mirror.”


That is uncanny. But, I usually only ever draw you while you’re sleeping. And, even then, I hardly ever your face.

I already wish I could retract some of what I just said.


Dollar Soda

June 13, 2011

Cola is already a strange thing. Before there was cola, there was nothing brown and liquid that you would want in your mouth. But somehow, these marketing geniuses overcame years of psychological conditioning.

And it gets worse. For those of you who require your food to be made of food, you may be unaware of the current fountain soda situation at McDonalds. That is, any size soft drink is only one dollar. One. And free refills.

In conclusion, marketing geniuses have got me suffering under the bloating weight of several gallons of my favorite icy brown sludge. I hope they are reading this, and it makes them sad.

So here’s the plan…

June 13, 2011

Monday updates. Could be a video. Could be a comic. Could be… something else…

Things are still rough around the edges round here. I’ll be polishing up the site as time moves on.

Welcome to JohnInk.com 2.0.