I'm currently not going to upkeep this site, and focus on the content on my youtube channel (at JohnInk.com). Also, for updates on when new things are coming, follow me on facebook or twitter.

An Apology

September 15, 2010

I’m going to have to appologize for that last blog entry. I always get a little Gollum-y when I’m stressed. And this next cartoon has such potential, it will rock your world. And I’m not just saying that this time.

As an expression of regret, here’s a video a fan sent in: Link. (NSFW) I think it would be better if he was in a bunny suit for some reason.

If you have a feeling, like this may just more filler until my schedule loosens up, you may be right.

Arrauugh! Arrauugh!!! Arraugh!

September 14, 2010

Must… Work Harder!
Energy… drained…
Flesh… mushy…
The voices…
Do you see what I do for you, internets? All for you!
Shut Up! No! Just, Shut Up! I need to think. How do I make Harry Potter goofier?

Maybe, if he was in a dress! Yes! That would make the internets laughs! Yeeesss! That would please the internets… I’ll be right back.

Where are the updates?

September 10, 2010

This Blog Entry Brought to You By:

Still paying for Adventure Webnovels? Haven’t you heard of LadyStar.net?

Where are the updates? I’ll tell you where the updates! They… are coming… slowly. This video I’m working on now (FUN! with HARRY POTTER!) is huge and has left me busier than a ninja at a pirate convention. There will be more at some undetermined point. In the mean time, here’s some

Links for YOU!

BasilMarceaux.com For President!

September 6, 2010

JohnInk.com sends it’s support to BasilMarceaux.com.

BasilMarceux.comYou can see some of his hit videos here and here.

Things They Would Rather You Not Find Out About!

September 1, 2010

This Blog Entry Brought to You By: Improbable Island
Think games today have too many graphics and not enough awesome? Improbable Island at ImprobableIsland.com

Don’t mistake Things They Would Rather You Not Find Out About for the HowStuffWorks.com podcast, Stuff They Don’t Want You To Know (iTunes).

That’s right, HowStuffWorks.com. I’m calling you out! We had the idea first, and just because we took so long gathering research and faking pictures doesn’t mean you can just waltz in here and preemptively ride our coat tails! You don’t even try to sell anything in your videos! That doesn’t even make sense!

Please take time to fill out this Brief Survey

August 29, 2010

Leave your short essay answers in comments.

  1. What do you think of JohnInk.com? (Use the word “Love” thrice per sentence)
  2. What is JohnInk.com? Why or Why not?
  3. JohnInk.com deserved an Emmy, am I right? High five!
  4. If JohnInk.com were Ice Cream, what flavor would it be?
  5. It was your favorite flavor wasn’t it?
  6. Second favorite?

Just something that happened today

August 26, 2010

Maybe I’m old fashioned, but I hate it when people talk on their cell phones and poop. You’d think people would have the courtesy to hang up before dropping the floating rotten pickle. Do women have this problem? Ladies? Do you poop and talk on the phone? Poop?

Anyway… Best blog post ever or what?

Links for POO!

(EDIT: That “Movies” link goes to a website that, if you navigate around, it has boobs. Beware the GOVERNMENT!)

Oh No! What’s happening to Grandma’s Cookies?

August 25, 2010

Okay, lets forget about the amazing JohnInk.com (a website a guy that maybe the Noid said you shouldn’t avoid) and it’s amazing annual web comic (Urnesto the Eggplant-o) for a moment. I don’t usually get into non-me related issues, but there is something important has come to my attention that I must address.

What the hell are Grandma’s Vanilla Mini Sandwich Creme Cookies? Or more importantly, who the hell’s grandma makes vanilla mini sandwich creme cookies? That is just ridiculous!

The GRANDMA’S Brand is suppose to stand for quality cookies, the way Grandma would make them. With this product, you’re going to make Grandmas feel insignificant as children demand they make vanilla Oreo clones. These old woman’s sorrowful tears are on your hands, FritoLay! Travesty!

The GRANDMA’S Brand simply doesn’t work for this product. I say we boycott GRANDMA’s brand foods until this travesty is corrected by putting a different brand on the product! Viva La Revolution!

You know, JohnInk.com’s Vanilla Mini Sandwich Creme Cookies has a ring to it, if you’re interested. Ahem. (johnink@johnink.com for negotiations) Ahem.

Links for YOU!

(Wow. These blog entries are getting a little long…)

A Stern Letter

August 22, 2010

This Blog Entry Brought to You By: PriceWatch
Want to see when that price on that kazoo in my Amazon ad drops? PriceWatch at NukePrice.com

I’ve got to say, Internet, I’m a little disappointed in my Urnesto the Eggplant-o merchandise sales. I’d think that, of the ten or so of you that read it, at least one of you would have bought a goofy band. But, it’s okay! I still love you. Love won’t pay back my bank loans, but we all make mistakes.

I got the bootleg Mexican VCD of [Urnesto Special Edition DVD] last year. Cost me 2 pairs of Levi’s and a Swatch.

What? You’re stealing from me internet?! Wha… Wha… Why? I’ve always been faithful! You’re nothing but… But a DOWNRIGHT DIRTY PIRATE!!! Next thing I know you’ll be cheating on me with other websites. How can I ever trust you again?

Ohh… Don’t smile at me like that, you know it makes me melt. I forgive you.

Of course, I’d forgive you even more if you go ahead and buy into my next project. On September 1st, I give this humor thing a break, and put my fear mongering hat on. You’ll be so scared, you won’t be able to hold on to your wallets!

Do you guys need a countdown? I can do a countdown!

Links for YOU!