I'm currently not going to upkeep this site, and focus on the content on my youtube channel (at JohnInk.com). Also, for updates on when new things are coming, follow me on facebook or twitter.

Healing wounds

March 4, 2012

This place is like the aftermath of a forest fire, things are slowly starting to grow back. I don’t know if you noticed, but there’s now an Urnesto section, a podcast page, even a new about page. Nothing truly exciting, but it’s a start. You can see it all under the content link.

Status and Time

November 6, 2011

I appreciate the help, Daylight Savings Time, but I’m going to need more than an extra hour to get everything ready. Do I think I make a cartoon by the 15th? It remains to be seen. Though, at this rate, you may see the end of the world next year before you see a new cartoon.

Also, I still need to finish the website, fix the blog, and prevent the end of the world next year. All while working 12+ hour days at work for the Christmas season.

But don’t moarn me, brothers. This isn’t over.

The McRib is Back!!

October 20, 2011

McDonald’s Hotdog-shaped-like-a-rib sandwich is back. Let the excitement be excited!

This is the only time of year you can walk into a McDonalds and have a choice other than grey meat or recycled-paper-towels nuggets and pay the whole meal with a fiver. That’s important in this economy. Plus, there’s enough barbecue so your body can’t tell what you’re feeding it.

Why does making fun of McDonald’s still make me hungry for it?

Weird Al: Best Album Cover

October 9, 2011

Can an album cover get any better than this?

Good News / Bad Good News

October 7, 2011

I’m getting the site going again. But, I’m also not going to have a lot of time for a few months. Getting married and all.


October 3, 2011

You notice anything different around here? barelyanimated.com


September 24, 2011

HEY!! Blog is kinda back! Looka that. Yeah, I messed things up pretty bad.

Urnesto! Now in HD!

September 2, 2011

Check this out. Urnesto now has an archive, in High Definition! Go relive your favorite moments. Riiiiiiight here


September 1, 2011

It’s here, Possibly!

August 31, 2011

The fates didn’t want it to happen, but it did! Urnesto the Eggplant-o! Ep. 2!  The story continues, as Urnesto comes to a strange, mysterious, possibly-haunted button. What happens next? Toon in next year to find out!