sorry guys, this site is taking some downtime, i guess…
the enthusiasm I usually to put into this site is now going toward a new project, which is sucking up a lot of time. I’m working on a follow up music video to Creepy Doll. This time, it’s a song by Joshua Woodward.
This site has been frustrating for me, because it has been so hard to keep up with my own ambitions for it.
I still have updates in the works, things might come out sometimes. But, I’m taking a break from this weekend update schedule.
The future is a big place though, keep an eye out.
You should also work on a follow up to that joke about the really large bathroom door that’s label “your mom”. That’s a classic that deserves a sequel.
Had some good laughs here. See you in the future.
I just realized your characters do in fact have hands! Well except for tha one guy with hooks.
What about feet?
Or “below the waist”?
if you look back, voldemort clearly had feet, stifler had arms, and bane had a penis in their respective cartoons. they only appear when they need them.
I just realized today – when I was younger I played with johnink toys.
These things: